Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Who You'd Be Today

I was on Facebook tonight while I was putting off doing homework, a common practice of mine, and one of my friends had put the song "Who You'd Be Today" by Kenny Chesney as her status. Normally I wouldn't listen to songs that people post as their status, but tonight I decided I would give this song a listen.
This song is really about people who have lost somebody they love, and they are pondering on the times that they got to spend with those people and wondering who they would be if they were still alive today. But for some reason all I could think of when I was listening to this song was all of the people that made me who I am today. This might be kind of a deep topic for only my second blog post, but I would feel so ungrateful if I didn't recognize the important people in my life. 

The first group of people I want to talk about are my roommates. Just for the record, college is nothing like I imagined it would be when I was in high school. I was convinced that I would move out of the house, have the best roommates ever and instantly become life-long friends with them, and have unforgettable adventures every single night. This did NOT happen. I moved out of my parents house, lost track of the fun, bubbly girl I had been in high school, and spent an entire year trying to find out who I wanted to be. This was not an easy task, especially since my roommates last year were not...ideal.

So after watching me struggle more than I ever had struggled before in my entire life, God decided to cut me a break this year. Somehow I got lucky enough to live in an apartment with five girls that I can honestly say I will remember for the rest of my life. Every single one of them is the kind of person that I want to be someday. Shay is one of the smartest people I've ever met. Tori is like the very definition of humility (in a good way) and is one of the least judgmental people I know. Erin is extremely considerate and would bend over backwards to help somebody, even if she doesn't know them very well. Kimber is a witch. Ha ha and anybody who doesn't live in our apartment would think that sounds horrible, and it kind of does, but in all seriousness Kimber is probably the most thoughtful person I know. She leaves notes all over the apartment for all of us and every time I come into my room to find a note on the door it makes my whole day. And Genniel is one of the hardest workers I think I will ever meet. She works hard at everything she does. Which is probably why she's so good at everything. 

Obviously there is much more to each one of these girls than the things I've said here, because every one of them is an absolutely amazing person and I feel priveledged to get to live with them.  They are so much more than just roommates, they are friends, and I'm sure I'll spend the rest of my life trying to figure out what I ever did to get so lucky.

The next group of people I want to talk about are my friends from high school. High school is a time when you are supposed to do stupid things so you have stories to tell when you get to college and when you have kids of your own, and I have more stories from one year of high school than most people have from high school and college combined. 

There was a group of us that dedicated one whole year to making memories and having a good time, and it was probably one of the best years of my life. I wish I could go through and write all of the great things about the four of them, but I couldn't make a list that long, and even if I could it wouldn't do them justice. They're the kind of friends that you can be away from for months at a time and never grow distant from them. Even now when we get together our friendship is just as strong as it was when we were with each other every day. The only difference is that now we have different stories to tell.  Not many people can say that about their long-distance friendships.

The last group of people I want to talk about is my family. I heard a quote once that said, "Friends are God's way of apologizing to us for not letting us choose our family members," Every single one of my family members is stubborn, overly competitive, loud and obnoxious, jokes about things that really aren't funny, and are the people I love more than anything else in the whole wide world! There's not one of them that wouldn't do anything and everything for me if I needed something.

They were there through the good, the bad, the awkward, the embarrassing, the sad, the happy, and every other time in my life. I don't believe that I didn't get to choose my family members. I think that when I was up in heaven God pulled me over and let me look out over all of the spirits in heaven and told me to pick anyone I wanted, and I picked the five best sisters, the one best brother, and the two best parents I could see in that crowd of people.

So when I see a song with the title "Who You'd Be Today," I can't help but think about all of the amazing people in my life that have helped make me who I am today. It makes me wonder who I'd be if I wouldn't have know these people, and even though I'm not perfect and probably never will be, I know that because of the good people I have in my life it would be impossible for me to end up being anything but wonderful, just like they are:)

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