Sunday, January 2, 2011

Resolutions for the New Year...

Everybody's favorite part of the new year is making New Year's Resolutions, so even though it's not New Year's Day anymore, I guess I'll make a couple goals for the new year...but first I wanted to see how I did on last years resolutions. What's the point of making goals if you don't ever pay attention to whether you reached them or not?


1. Change somebody's life for the better.
     ~ Did I change somebody's life this year? In all honesty, I have no idea. I know there have been many people that have changed my life, and I hope with all my heart that somewhere along the way this past year I was able to do the same for them. I can never really know for sure if I was able to accomplish this resolution, but I can still hope that I did.

2. Get to know myself better and be true to who I really more going with the flow.

     -I'm happy to say that I have made definite progress on this. Not that I was ever really into following the crowd, but I will admit that sometimes it was just easier. But I can honestly say that I am more comfortable with myself right now than I have ever been before. CHECK!

3. Do one act of service for somebody every day

     ~Sadly this did not happen, or at least I don't think it did. I'm sure I did things for people, but not the type of things that I had in mind. The one thing I can remember doing that I really counted as an act of service was pushing a little handicapped girl to her class in her wheelchair, and that was more of a service to me than it was to her. So it looks like I'll be working on this one for another year...

4. Learn how to budget my money 

     ~Going to college last year made me realize a few things...among them was the fact that I am not very good at budgeting my money. If I have a choice between eating healthy, balanced meals for the week or doing one fun thing, I choose the fun thing. This results in me eating more than my fair share of cold cereal and taking dietary supplements so I can have a high enough iron and protein level to donate plasma twice a week. I guess I'm a little better at budgeting my money, even though I hate doing it, so I'm checking this one off. CHECK!

5. Keep up with my old friends and make at least one new GOOD friend 

     -I won't lie, I was WAY better at keeping up with my old friends last year than I am this year. In almost all of my relationships, I am the reacher. This means that I am the one who puts in all or most of the effort. For example, calls, texts, hang outs...all instigated by myself. In fact, sometimes I think if I wasn't willing to be calling and texting some of my friends all the time, I would probably never hear from them ever again. I'm not saying it's like this with all of my friends, because some of them are actually really good at keeping in touch with me, but that's how it is with a lot of them.  So this year I got sick of being the reacher and gave up for the most part. The good news though is that I am still close with my best friends from high school, and I have made more than one friend that I can honestly say I think I'll be friends with for the rest of my life. So, CHECK!

6. Be more confident in my ability to do well 

     ~ Tell me I can't do something and sit back and watch me prove you wrong...even if I almost kill myself doing it. I am 100% confident that I can prove anybody wrong, and surpass anybody's expectations including my own. CHECK!

7. Notice at least one good thing about myself every morning when I look in the mirror BEFORE I start picking out the bad things.

     ~I have no idea if I did this. I'm definitely more self confident this year than I was last year at this same time, but I'm usually pretty out of it in the mornings. The only things that ever go through my mind when I'm looking in the mirror anymore are how hungry I am and how I wish I could sleep longer instead of waking up so darn early for 8 am classes. And I'm pretty sure I never really think anything bad about myself when I'm looking in the mirror either. So I'm checking this one off. CHECK!

8. Build up my strengths and minimize my weaknesses

     ~I'm pretty sure I had a certain weakness in mind last year when I was writing these, and I have that under control now. So CHECK!

9. Name one thing I'm thankful for every time I'm thinking about complaining

     ~This didn't happen. Sometimes I just want to vent and complain and not think about being thankful for things. And then I'm good for awhile. But I don't complain as much as I used to so that's a plus.

10. Be more selfless.

     ~This is another one of those tentative ones. I'm pretty sure I'm more selfless than I used to be, but I still have such a long way to go on this that I'm not going to check it off. You get another year of work Mr. Selflessness. 

Now for my 2011...

1. Change somebody's life for the better
  ~You'll notice this is the same as my number 1 last year, but it's the most important to me and since I'm not sure if I was able to accomplish it last year, I'm giving it another year. 

2. Make somebody's day every day. 

3. Be more selfless.
4. Get straight A's in school. 

5. Run for 1 hour straight.
   ~This might sound pathetic to some people, but I have never been able to run for a whole hour before. Actually I've never tried but I've always wanted to do it. So this is the year that I will reach that goal!

6. Write in my journal at least twice a week.

7. Learn something new every day.

8. Read the Book of Mormon all the way through. 

9. Do at least one thing on my bucket list. 

10. Make at least 3 small goals every month and accomplish them. 

Here goes nothing! Happy New Year:)

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