Sunday, January 2, 2011

So Long Sweet...Summer?

There is a song by Dashboard Confessional called, "So Long Sweet Summer"...or at least that's what I named it when iTunes couldn't identify the album I was importing. Basically it talks about this great summer that this guy had and how he is sad that it's leaving and he isn't ready to move on. He hates the winter in Lexington.

For some reason while I was watching the ball drop in Time Square on New Years Eve, this is what came to mind...well, that and the fact that NOBODY can pull off bright blue lipstick unless you are a smurf. I don't care if your name is Kesha and you have lots of money, it still looks dumb. Anyways, I'm pretty sure I have an ipod in my brain that randomly picks songs that fit the moments of everyday life, but this song was a puzzler.

Why? Because I wouldn't say that last summer was the highlight of my year. I mean, there were some good times, but I was pretty miserable 9 hours a day 5 days a week for almost 3 months thanks to my job as a representative in the complaint department at a security company. Not fun. But the more that I think about my brain's song choice on New Years Eve, the more it is starting to make sense. 

2010 really was a good year. It had more ups and downs than any other year of my life so far, but in the end I think the ups won the prize.  The song I thought of wasn't just for the summer, it was for the whole year! So, in honor of 2010- the lessons I learned, the people I met, the things I did, and the memories I made- this post is for them. A recap of a year that is now just a fond memory. 

2010...Good Times

Met a new friend and roommate (Erin Olander) after Christmas break ended ~ Played ward basketball-didn't learn how to control my temper in a church-sponsored activity ~ Drove to Ephraim, Utah to watch Abbie's Sophomore Night game at Snow College ~ Got my braces off 6 months after getting reconstructive surgery on my face ~ Playing speed with Erin almost every night before bed last semester ~ Ice blocking on the hills by Bartz Field and smashing a frosted cookie all over Shay ~ Walks/Runs on that trail by Ross park whose name I can't remember right now ~ Kelsey and Abbie visiting me in Pocatello and getting manicures from a Japanese man ~ Finished my 1st year at ISU ~ Declared my major as Nursing ~ Moved to American Fork with Becky ~ Karyoke at Chelsea's house ~ Seven Peaks with Becky and Staci ~ Learning how to do magic card tricks at APX ~ Ripped my favorite pair of Big Stars playing sand volleyball on my lunch break at work ~Hiking the Y with Becky ~ Rodeo, campout, and floating the river with Abbie and Texas ~ Floating the river with Abbie, Brooke, and Kelsey and then jeeping up Weston Canyon ~ California and Vegas trip with Becky, Brittany, and Chelsea ~ Boogie Boarding in the Ocean ~ Started Second year at ISU ~ Doing stupid human tricks every night in the living room with the roomies when we got bored ~ Breaking a window with a water balloon launcher ~ Rope Swinging in September ~ Learned how to play the guitar ~ Going to Oregon with Erin, Genniel, and Kimber and shooting guns, going boating, jeeping, 4-wheeling, and carving pumpkins ~ Steeling and smashing pumpkins ~ Dressing up and going to dinner, then driving around Pokey launching water balloons out of the back of Erin's truck in the pouring rain ~ Buying a trampoline for the apartment ~ Slip and Sliding in our apartment after they locked the hot tub ~ Going to the pool every day with Kimber before it got too cold ~ Oregon for Kimber's birthday ~ Smoothies ~ Getting attacked by one of the roommates at random times and always letting them beat me up because I'm too nice to fight back ~ Water fights in the apartment ~ Blowing fire off the balcony with matches and powdered sugar and almost setting the bushes on fire ~ Proving to my dad that I'm a better shot than he is with a .22~ Leg wrestling~ Late night talks and heart-to-hearts ~ Scaring Erin half to death on Halloween while watching Swimfan ~ Learning how to long board ~ Going to the park with Kimber and swinging on the swings ~ Kidnapping Kelsey on her birthday and making her eat dinner in a tent for her birthday ~ Going to dinner with Shannon, Devyn, Aubrey, Lori, and Mandi ~ Spending the Holidays with my family and laughing so hard my sides hurt

This is a long list. And I really don't expect anybody to take the time to actually read the whole's really mostly for my own benefit. I could have made this list 5 times longer than it is right now, because I have so many great memories from 2010! Thanks to everyone who helped make this year so great. 

So, in the words of Dashboard Confessional, "So long sweet summer ( aka 2010)...Thanks for that summer, I gave you the best that I had...I stumbled upon you and gratefully basked in your rays." So goodbye 2010! Thanks for making me the person that I am today...

 Oh...and don't feel left out 2011, I have a feeling you're going to be even better:)

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