Saturday, November 6, 2010

30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 1

So from reading other people's blogs I came across what is called the 30 Day Blog Challenge. Pretty much this is 30 straight days where you talk all about yourself, which sounded fun to me:)  I can pretty much promise you that I won't make it every single day, because there are just some times when there are more important things to do than blogging, but I'm gonna give it my best shot anyways. So here goes nothing!

Day 1-A Recent Picture of Yourself and 15 Interesting Facts About Yourself

Yeah I know this is a weird picture, but it is one of the most recent ones I have, and it illustrates what an intellectual I deal with it. 

1.My biggest pet peeve is when people I care about stop trying.

I hate seeing people who have the whole world in front of them give up on their dreams or their goals after making one or two mistakes. To them I say, stop settling! Go out and live your life like you always dreamed you would, because the only thing that's in your way is yourself.

2. I can talk to pretty much anybody. 

Doesn't matter what age or what their background or interests are. I'm a good talker.

3. Probably the smartest thing I've ever done in my entire life is go to Idaho State.

Last year I would not have agreed with this statement, but by taking myself completely out of my comfort zone, exposing myself to new experiences and people, and messing up over and over again, I grew more as a person in two semesters of college than I ever had before. I would have loved to go to school with some of my best friends from high school, but I wouldn't give up the struggles I've faced, the lessons I've learned, or the friends I've made for anything.

4. I am the same person no matter who I'm with or where I am. 

I really don't have a filter, which can be a bad thing at times, but the good thing is that you always know exactly what you're gonna get whenever it comes to me.

5. I have an EXTREMELY overly active conscience. 

I usually end up feeling guilty about things I say and apologizing even when the person I said it to didn't take any offense. I wish I was one of those people that can say whatever they want and not feel guilty about it later, or right after they say it...whatever.

6. My "love language" is 1) quality time, and 2) words of affirmation. 

For everyone that isn't in my institute class, this means that I get my "love tank" filled when people spend time with me and when they compliment me or write me notes and letters. So pretty much I feel especially loved when people spend time with me and tell me how great I am all at the same time!

7. I'm a good eater.

I know this sounds funny, but it's the truth. Given the choice between steak and a salad, I'll take the steak any day. My sister describes it as "you eat more like a man would than a girl would." This is true, I do, but it's not my fault that most girls eat so dumb!

8.  If any one of my family members or friends called me in the middle of the night, or really any time, and told me they needed me to be there for them, I would pick up my keys and walk out the door and be there as soon as I could.

9.  I am more like a boy than a girl in some ways.

This is another one of those things that sounds bad at first, but I would rather go shoot a gun, or play in the mud, or pretty much do anything outside than do the typical girl activities like shopping. Maybe it's because I'm a country girl, or maybe it's because my brother treated me like his little buddy while I was growing up, but either way, I'm pretty sure I still have more fun than most girls do.

10. I didn't have a name for the first couple months of my life, so my family started calling me Babe and it's stuck with me ever since. 

I would rather be called a nickname than Catherine. Nicknames make me feel more loved for some reason.

11. I love music. 

I'm really not that good at singing or playing any instruments, but I love singing, playing the guitar or the piano, and listening to music. It makes me happy and helps me think.

12. I'm very loyal.

A few dumb people in high school learned the hard way that talking trash on my friends or family when I was around was not a good idea. Or when somebody says something to one of them that is mean or hurtful, odds are that person is going to hear from me before they hear from the one they were actually insulting.

13. I'm very honest about what I think or what's on my mind. 

Some people love asking me for my opinion, because I'll tell them the truth. Some people hate asking me for my opinion, because I'll tell them the truth. Again with the filter, I don't really have one.

14. Making other people happy makes me happy.

I have always had a sense of humor and I love to make people laugh. I feel like you can learn a lot about someone from their laugh. Some laughs are loud, some are quiet, some are genuine, some are fake, some are contagious, some are unique, etc. Oddly enough the laugh always seems to fit the person's personality. Go figure.

15. I'm a fighter.

By saying that I'm a fighter, I don't mean that I like to argue or that I like to beat people up, because I'm actually the complete opposite of that. I'd rather get beat up than hurt somebody. But what I mean by this is that I will never give up on something, or somebody. I may throw my hands up and say that I quit, but in my head there has always been this stubborn voice telling me to keep going and pointing out all of the reasons why I can't quit.  There are battles that I have been trying to win for years now, but I have still never quit and I know I'll never actually be able to.

1 comment:

  1. So are you saying I'm unique? Or loud? Or. . .easy to mock? :) Ha. I love you, and I'm glad you are doing the challenge. I am excited to keep reading ;).
