Friday, November 19, 2010

Blog Challenge Day 8

Day 8- Short Term Goals for this Month and Why?

Goals are fun. They are more fun in January, because you get to call them resolutions and that sounds way more official, but goals is fine too I suppose. Seeing as how November is pretty much already over, I will set some short term goals for December, and then when the New Year rolls around I'll be able to look back and see if I actually kept them!

1.) One of my New Years Resolutions for this year was to make somebody's day everyday. I really couldn't tell you if I've been able to do this or not, because most people won't just come out and let you know if you made their day or not, but for the next month I want to make this goal a reality. 

2.) Do at least one act of service for somebody every day. This can be for a complete stranger, a friend, or a family member, and needs to be something that you usually wouldn't do. I did this last December because I didn't feel like I was in the Christmas Spirit, and it really helped me out a lot so I think I'll do it again.

3.) Stop procrastinating. Procrastination is the devil. I always end up staying up all night the night before a test because I haven't studied yet. Seeing as how finals are coming up, this has got to stop.

Well, I don't want to get all goaled out before New Years, so I will only do three. The end. I am really not in the mood to be blogging right now.

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