Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blog Challenge Day 5

Day 5- A Picture of Somewhere You've Been To

So as I was debating on what I wanted to write about today, I had a few options to choose from. When I was younger my family and I DROVE to Missouri and then to Illinois, which was definitely memorable. We've been to the Grand Canyon, Lake Powell, and various other national parks. My favorite of these was Canyon Lands, which I went to with my sister Kristi, her husband Ski, and my sister Emmalee. This was definitely a fun trip, but its not what I'm going to talk about. 

I also went to New York, Baltimore, Washington DC, Intercourse, Gettysburg, and lots of other awesome historical places. I've been to San Diego, Hollywood, and Vegas too. But the place I want to talk about going to is....

THE Y!!!

At this point you are probably wondering why in the world I would want to write about somewhere so unexciting as the Y, so I will explain myself. 

This summer I got the opportunity to live with my sister Becky. It wasn't the first time we got to live together, I mean we grew up in the same house, but that wasn't the same. When you're growing up, a 5 year difference in age seems a lot bigger than it does when you're grown. When we were growing up, it seemed like Becky was always gone for some sporting event or off becoming Valedictorian. Everyone always laughs at Becky and gives her a hard time for being an "airhead", but there has never been a time in my life when I have been ashamed of my airheaded sister. In fact, I've spent a great deal of time trying to emulate her. She was always one of my biggest heroes growing up, and she still is.

So back to why I chose the Y. Well, one day this summer Becky and I both had a day off of work on the same day and we decided we wanted to hike the Y. So we packed up some water bottles and drove around Provo for like an hour trying to find our way up to the Y. Finally we found our way to where the trail began and started hiking.

I don't know if I had heat stroke, or if I was just dehydrated from laying out on the lawn for so long right before we started our hike, or if I was just in TERRIBLE shape, but I was struggling on that hike. I drank my whole water bottle before we were even half way up and I think I complained most of the way up. At one point Becky actually grabbed my hand and started pulling me up the trail after her. 

Finally we made it to the top of the Y, and when we got there we sat down and just talked. I like talking to Becky. She doesn't think I do because all she ever talks about is boys and I don't usually say much, but I like to listen and learn about what's going on in her life, because she teaches me more when I just listen than I could ever teach her by responding. 

I learned a lot about my big sister on that hike, both by talking to her and just by watching her determination to get to the top, and to get me there too. Someone, possibly Miley Cyrus, once said, "...It ain't about how fast I get there, it ain't about what's waiting on the other side. It's the climb." Heaven knows we didn't get to the top very fast, and even though I most likely would not hike the Y again, I'm glad I did it, because I will always remember that climb.

Becky has always been there to take my hand and pull me up when I'm falling behind, and I've always looked up to her. She is better than me in every way, but she is still willing to take on the extra burden of pulling me along with her because she loves me so much. So in all honesty, that hike was probably the most memorable thing that I did this summer. Thanks for everything Beck! It was a pleasure living with you this summer:)

1 comment:

  1. Ok my eyes just got all moist reading this. Thanks Babe, that means a lot. I would have carried you up on my shoulders if I had to because I love you sooooooo stinkin much! I am so glad you came to live with me!
