Monday, November 8, 2010

Blog Challenge Day 3

Day 3- A Picture of You and Your Friends

So I wasn't all that thrilled about yesterday's topic, but I have been looking forward to this one since even before I started the challenge! Why was I so excited about today you ask? Because if there is one topic that I like talking about more than myself, it would be my friends. 

I always have a hard time when people ask me, "Who is your BEST friend?" Because in all honesty I can't say I have one best friend. 

Kelsey is the friend that I've had the longest. We used to spend almost every single day together when we were little kids, and we had too many adventures to name. From the doggy team, to eating dinner on the decorative bench in front of the court house in Preston, it seems like we were always doing something worth remembering, even if it was just sitting together in the school parking lot listening to music and eating reeses puffs. This girl is so special to me and has played a huge role in helping me become the person I am today. She knows me better than I know myself and has been such a strength and an example to me.

Shayla is another friend from my childhood and from the high school years. She always acted so innocent to everyone else but I always knew I was getting the real Shayla when she would call me a handicap and then laugh at how funny she was for like 15 minutes. She's always been one of those girls that you can't help but be jealous of, but at the same time you can't help but love her. It's like she's got it all figured out and she always seems to be on top of everything. I'm just glad that I can brag to everyone that she is one of my very best friends and then watch as the jealousy starts to creep up in their face. Yeah, you wish you had friends this cool.

Abbie. Abbie and I have had kind of a strange relationship. I hated her guts up until about the end of sophomore year in high school and then we just randomly started hanging out that summer. I can't even remember how that happened. But I think I know why it did. Junior year was one of the most fun, but also one of the most dysfunctional years of my life. It seemed like all of us in our little group of friends went through some hard times that year, and I'm pretty sure the only reason I got through it as well as I did was because of the good friends I had. Me and Abbie went through more together in a few years than I had ever been through with anyone in my whole life. All I can really say about Abbie is that it would be impossible for me to ever forget her and everything she's done for me. She's one of the best examples and friends I have ever had or will ever have again. 

Now for my other group of friends. After hearing about how amazing my friends from high school are it wouldn't be hard to imagine how difficult my first year of college was having to be away from them. I missed them so much sometimes that I had a seriously hard time focusing on my school work, and really just on life in general. 

 After my first semester of college I was sure that I would never meet a group of girls that could ever take their place, and I was right, but instead I found a group of girls that earned their own special place in my heart. My roommates this semester are so much more than just roommates, they are some of my very best friends. 

Every day I wake up excited to see them all. It's only been just a few short months that I've had the PRIVILEGE to live with them, but I already know that they are the type of friends that I'll still be talking to when I'm an old woman. Some of them are probably going to end up going their separate ways after this year, and even though it breaks my heart to think that I won't get to see them every day anymore, I really just have to count my blessings that I was lucky enough to live with them in the first place. 

College can be an extremely difficult time in your life, but lucky for me I get to live with five girls that strengthen me, push me to do better, and love me even when I don't love myself very much. I love all of them and would do anything for them, but today is Kimber's birthday, and since I'm kind of getting tired of blogging I'm just going to write a little bit about her right now. But all of the rest of you just know I love all of you too, and your time will come too I'm sure;)

Kimber is definitely one of my favorite roommates. Scratch that. Kimber Wagstaff is one of my favorite humans. I admire her so much. She is just a freshman this year but she is such an example to me. She is so selfless and kind. She is always doing nice things for everyone in the apartment and she has made my day so many different times by her simple acts of kindness. She is also one of the most real people I know. She doesn't change or filter herself to fit in with other people's expectations. She is always herself no matter who she's with, and there isn't a better person she could be! I love Kimber and I'm so glad that I got to hang out with her on her special day today, and every other day for that matter.

I have the world's best friends. They have given me so many good memories, they've been there to help me through the good times and the bad, and they have helped make me the person I am today. Thanks for everything you guys!

"The making of friends, who are true friends, is the best token we have of a man's success in life." 
-Edward Everett Hale

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture of us :). I can't believe it has almost been a year since we took it. You are special to me too, dear.
