Saturday, November 20, 2010

Blog Challenge Day 9

Day 9- Something You're Proud of in the Last Few Days

This is a tough topic. Why? Because to be honest all I ever do is homework and give plasma, and I can't say I'm especially proud of myself for sitting around with my nose in a book all day or for selling my body fluids. So let's see...what have I done lately that I should be proud of?

Well, I got 100% on my Music 101 test (which was open book/note, so that really wasn't too tricky). I got my highest score ever on an A&P test (also, not really that impressive because try as I might I STILL didn't get an A). I haven't used my debit card to buy anything since November 1st (this really is impressive, even I'm amazed by this). I somehow managed to have enough self control to keep myself from mouthing off to someone who was getting on my nerves (also, this is impressive for me, because normally I would NOT even bother trying to control this.) I've managed to go almost one whole month without breaking the law or a window, AND a few weeks ago I got my Dad to admit that I'm a better shot than he is with a gun. 

I realize this is a totally lame list of things I am proud of in the last few days, but like I said, school has pretty much been consuming my life so I really don't have much else to be proud of at the moment. I should probably do something to change this so next time I have to write about some moving subject (like things I'm proud of) I'll actually have something legitimate to talk about.

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