Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blog Challenge Day 2

Day 2- The Meaning Behind Your Blog Name

Yesterday's blog challenge was fun because I got to talk all about myself, today's really isn't that exciting. Unlike most people there really isn't a big symbolic meaning behind my blog name. I did spend some time trying to figure out a good name, but creativity has never really been my strong point, so I chose a name that wasn't creative, but made sense.

My friends can vouch for me when I say that I have terrible luck. It seems like I am always getting the short end of the stick in things. For example, one time I was at a movie theater with my good friends Shayla and Abbie, and while we were waiting for the movie to start we decided we were going to buy some cool but useless gadgets out of those little quarter machines they have everywhere.

So like the over-eager little spirit I've always been, I put my quarter in the first machine that sparked some interest, and the dumb thing ate my quarter. So then I decided to wait and see what machines actually worked by letting Shayla and Abbie test them out. So Shayla puts a quarter in a machine full of funky rings and it worked. Ok. I'll try that machine because Shayla just got something and I know it will work. Well, it worked, but all I got was an EMPTY container with no ring in it. 

One more quarter to go and I am determined to get something this time. So I find a machine that is full of all kinds of awesome prizes and put my quarter in, and to my lasting shame, the machine was empty. 

At times like this it has always been my habit of throwing my arms up in disgust and saying, "Welcome to my life!" Normally this is said in an annoyed tone with just a smidgen of sarcasm to get the point across that my life is really not something that anybody would want to be welcomed to. So why would I name my blog this?

Well, one of my very best friends who I've always loved and admired once told me, "Cathy, you complain a lot." This is not something that I was proud of, but I'm glad she told me that because I have spent a great deal of time in the past few years trying to be a more positive person and cut the negative thoughts and comments out of my life.

When I created this blog, my intention was to write about GOOD experiences and things that make me happy, not things that I didn't like. I'm not saying that I don't ever have a bad day, and that I never complain about anything anymore, because heaven knows I still complain about things sometimes, but I'm starting to notice more and more every day how blessed I really am. 

I have so many things. I have food to eat, the chance to get an education, clothes to wear, people to catch me every time I fall and point me back in the right direction, a healthy body, and SO much more. I mean some people can't even walk! I pushed a girl in a wheelchair to her class the other day, and all I could think about the whole time was how ungrateful I felt for getting down about the simple, meaningless things in my life and feeling sorry for myself. I felt terrible for taking simple things like being able to walk to class for granted.

So, you are probably wondering where I am going with this. I named my blog "Welcome To My Life" for one reason. I wanted to take that phrase that has been used so many times to describe a negative experience of my life, and turn it into something positive. I wanted people to see what a positive experience my life really is and has been. So, welcome to my life. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!

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