Sunday, November 21, 2010

What would you do for...a friend like that?

I know I already blogged today, but being the no-life-on-sundays kinda girl that I am I decided I would get back on blogspot and do a little blog stalking. What I found was that my best friend got in a car accident yesterday and could have been seriously injured or worse...

She wrote me something on facebook a little earlier that said something like, "I got in an accident so you should be grateful that I'm still alive and come hang out with me on Tuesday." And to be honest when I read that my first thought was, "Yeah, ok Kelsey. Sure you got in a car accident. Kinda like the time you high centered your car on the curb when we were spinning cookies in the school parking lot. Nice try on the guilt trip though."

That was my exact thought, so you can probably imagine what a jerk I felt like when I was reading her blog tonight and discovered that she actually was in a legitimate car wreck. Don't fret, she's ok. But as I was reading her post about what happened I couldn't help but imagine what COULD'VE happened....and it scared me to death.

I met Kelsey when I was 4 years old. She lived right across the street from me and she would stand in her front yard and yell at me until I would come over and play. We were together almost every single day until the horrible day when her family moved to Weston. I remember looking at her empty house after she moved and thinking my life was over.

Luckily though, life still went on, and I still got to spend quite a bit of time with her. We founded clubs together, pretended we were animals for almost a good year of our lives, thought we were going to create an animal shelter when we grew up, got banned from almost every game we played (even the ones we made up) because we played too rough, and so much more.

She taught me about the birds and the bees! She has a laugh that lights up a whole room. She's the kind of friend that I could tell anything to, but we could also spend three hours together and not say a word and still know that everything is ok. She has been there with me through the worst moments of my life, and she's been there through the best moments too.

Every single time I wanted to do something stupid or wreckless in high school, she was by my side. And when I was feeling lazy, she would hang out with me and eat cold cereal, even though she probably wished we could do something fun and exciting instead.

When my Grandma died on my 17th birthday, she let me cry into her shoulder while her and Shayla were TRYING to throw me a party. She has been more of an example to me than she will ever even know. She knows me better than I know myself, but she still loves me anyways! She is more like me than anyone else I know, and even though we've gone our separate ways, we have never grown apart.

She texted me the other night at like 11:00 and randomly asked me if I would come to her wedding if "she ever gets married." First off, Kelsey, don't be such a dummy. OF COURSE you will get married! You're a catch! Any guy would be lucky to have you. And secondly, just try and stop me from coming;)

As much as I hate to think about this, one day there will be a time when I will have to watch you marry someone who has become your NEW best friend, but I'll be happy on that day. I'll be happy that you're happy. I feel so blessed that when I was four years old I met someone who defined what a friend is supposed to be.

We promised when we were 4 that we would be best friends forever. And I just want you to know that I am so thankful for you in my life. I'm glad you're ok. And tell Brian I said thanks.  It takes a special guy to be able to calm you down in a crisis...especially one where you lose a favorite accessory:)


1 comment:

  1. I cried. Just so you know. I love you more than words can say. So glad God put you in my life.
