Thursday, November 11, 2010

Blog Challenge Day 6

Day 6- Favorite Super Hero and Why

I really don't think I have a favorite super hero. I was never really into the whole super hero thing when I was a little kid. Actually I remember me and Kelsey used to pretend like we were super heroes (not anyone in particular, we just pretended that WE were our own super heroes) and we would pretend like we were fighting against the Power Rangers. When we were in first grade the boys in our class would pretend like they were power rangers and beat us up. So naturally we hated the Power Rangers, and I think I just kind of lumped all super heroes into that same category. 

So probably my favorite super hero would have to be...myself. And Kelsey of course:) Why? Because who wants to hear about how super some made up person is, when you can be super yourself? We had so many adventures in our super hero world, and we managed to do it all without ever actually having to fight anything! And even though we don't ever get to play super heroes on the trampoline anymore, I think we're still pretty super!

1 comment:

  1. Ha I seriously had nightmares about Power Rangers when I was little because of what we went through. This post is great. And I really feel like we should play super heroes on the tramp again soon. :)
